Spring Flings: The Strokes, Radiohead, and Cold War Kids

Dearest Listeners,

It’s officially spring. The birds are chirping, the sky is blue, and a revival of musical interest is in the air! I’ve been searching recently and have come across some interesting stuff to bring in the new season..

Don’t let the fact that you’ve heard the stuff these artists have put out in the past, because Here are three albums I’ve been listening to.

1. The Strokes – “Angles”
An established, indie-kid favorite comes out with a new, and original album with tracks mostly in the upbeat pop area. Not neccesarily my style, but hey it’s spring time, a time to be happy!

Listen to my favorite one from this album:

Ah yes, this is a great album to celebrate the change of seasons.

2. Radiohead – “In Bloom”
Indeed, another staple from the indie-kid itunes library. Radiohead’s new album features some interesting tracks that include drone-like rhythms, and unique percussion. Fun stuff. Explore this song:

3. Cold War Kids – “Mine Is Yours”
A lesser known, yet talented group, Cold War Kid’s new album is upbeat and catchy. It won’t be long before you’ll be humming along to some of the melodic tracks offered on their new album. Here’s my fav:

Welp, hope these three songs will jump-start your quest to find new music for the new season!

God Bless! And Go find more music!
Chris Varela


The Morning Benders haven’t been around for very long, but man they have made a big impression on the ears of many. They released an album in 2010 called Big Echo (that explains the corny post title..), and I love it.

You know my policy: I moisten your pallet with a brief description of this band and why I love them, then leave the exploring up to you.

Here’s a brilliantly composed song sung live by them, just for you!!
(Also, if you don’t want to hear what he has to say about the song skip to about :56 in)

Here are some more:


“Wet Cement”

“All Day Day Light”

Check it:


Chris Varela

Travis Oberg: Santa Cruz’s Finest

Travis Oberg is an excellent musician. I don’t know much about him because he’s not very popular (YET!), but I do know that his type of music is right up my alley, so you’ll love him too..
Travis Oberg = folk, harmonica, banjo, and a soothing voice. What more could there possibly be?
Coincidentally enough, he’s similar to Peter Bradley Adams. He incorporates a female vocalist in some sweet ways, just like PBA does. Gotta love that stuff.

I can’t find a good youtube video of one of his songs, so let me give you some instruction to listen to Mr. Oberg:

1. Go to TravisOberg.com
2. On the bottom left corner will be a music player. Go to the second song, titled “Redemption”
3. Listen to that song, and the others.
4. Buy his album..

That should be straight-forward enough for you to get a taste of his music.

I’ll let you do the rest of the exploring. Buy his album and support this man. He’s got some legit music.

These links should help:

Don’t Stop Listening!

Chris Varela

If Only His Last Name Started with a “J”!

Peter Bradley Adams. Just one letter away from having the same initials as a delicious sandwich. Such a shame. But you know what’s not a shame? HIS MUSIC.

One of my good friends (Yes you, Nathan) introduced me to this guy last month and my ears haven’t been able to get enough since! (just look at my Last.fm profile and you’ll see exactly how much I’ve been listening to him)
Born and raised in Alabama, he is folk to the core. He has three albums out, all of which have a distinct folksy style to them. His latest, “Traces” is the one I’ve been all about lately. You’d like it..

Let his soothing voice and beautiful finger-picking swoon you, trust me on this one. You’ll see. Just one listen to the song “For you” should have you in a state of infatuation by the time it’s over.

Go and get “Traces.” Add it to your Christmas list or something. You could even buy it for one of your friends, then borrow it and put it on our computer.. It doesn’t matter to me, as long as you GET THAT ALBUM!!!!

Listen and decide for yourself. This is my favorite song by him:

Here are other notable songs from his album (links to youtube):
“Family Name”
“I Won’t”
“Heart of a Girl”

Seriously, get “Traces.”
Consider this gem of an artist my Christmas present to you. 🙂

Merry MUSIC-mas!
Chris Varela

They Write about Love

Hello there, listener. Let me tell you about a band..

Belle and Sebasatian has been the poster child for the indie-pop genre for years. After a long break between albums, they’ve finally come back to further solidify themselves as the embodiment of the genre. This album, “Belle and Sebastian Write About Love,” is so true to their style-(indie pop, obviously).
It’s so dang unique, oh my goodness. They add in sweet delay in their guitar riffs, electronic/synth undertones, and even surf rock style licks. So much fun to listen to. If I could describe it another way, I would call it 21st century 70s music. In fact, it’s pretty safe to say that’s what they WANT you to think.

See for yourself. Watch this music video of my favorite song on their album.
Helpful viewing tip: Pay close attention to the sweet moves of the guy lead singer, it’s great.

I will also mention that there’s a song featuring the beautiful voice of Norah Jones. That is all. Go find them if you like them.

Chris Varela

Today I was Reminded..

..of why I love the Local Natives so much. I came across a music video today and was immediately taken back to my days in the winter of ’10 when I was first discovering the wonderful music from these guys.

This video is from Pitchfork.com, a great website for you indie folks out there. Check out this song:


I actually wrote a post about the Local Natives last year. If you are liked the song you just listened to, read this post HERE.

Chris Varela

Horse Feathers – “Thistled Spring”

What on earth is a thistled spring? For that matter, what on earth are horse feathers? I don’t know, but I do know that I enjoy for myself some wonderful folk music by an artist whose name has some sort of crazy underlying meaning and writes songs about a thistled spring, whatever that may be.

Here’s why I like Horse Feathers:
Fiddle, banjo, acoustic guitar, cello, passionate voices, and beautiful harmonies.

Perhaps you like the same things? I would like to think so.
Listen to this one..

Other notable songs:
“Starving Robins”
“This Bed”
“The Widower”

If you listened to these songs and liked them, go and do something about it! Get the album..

LISTEN to the songs of the WORLD!
Chris Varela

Josh Ritter is Fantastic.

Ok I know. I’ve taken a ridiculously long break from blogging, but I’ll assure you that I’m now back for action! I have three or four albums to share with you over the next few weeks that I’m almost positive you (YES, YOU!) will love.

Josh Ritter: “So Runs the World Away”

I can’t get enough of this album. Trust me, just take a look at my Last.fm Profile
I won’t say too much about this album because I want you to explore it for yourself. Let me steer you in the right direction by sharing my favorite song from the album with you.

Good, isn’t it?
Other notable songs:
“Lark” – Upbeat and happy
“Folk Bloodbath” – The second-coming of Bob Dylan, complete with a three part harmony.
“The Curse” – Will make you cry

Listen to those songs. They’re great. Ok that’s all, more to come soon.

Chris Varela

Newest Addition to the LIB: The Microphones


Not quite new, but new to me. Straight up outta the Northwest–apparently where all good music comes from–these guys, called The Microphones, have a very uniquely mellow style. The album i just got, called “The Glow, Pt. 2,” has captured my attention, especially this song (Called “Headless Horseman”):

It’s a shame that it took me 9 years to discover this album. The Microphones have since become known as Mount Eerie, whom I listened to and do not like as much. That’s okay though, I’m glad to have found this album. Let me know what you think.

Find them in this vast expanse known as the internet:


Chris Varela


My iPod is a Wonderland

I realized something yesterday: I’m obsessed with finding new music. I can’t even count how many times that I’ll get a new album, listen to it once or twice all the way through, then move on to the next new album. This is a problem.

I decided to confront my “album A.D.D.” by spending some quality time alone with my iPod. Now that finals are over and summer is here, how glorious it has been to dive into the giant pool of music that stands un-listened to on my ipod.

One such band whom I have indeed grown to love during this intimate time of bonding between my ipod and me is the Kings of Convenience.
It’s hard to pin this musical duo down to one genre because their style varies widely.

They’ve got some more upbeat, pop songs like this one:

They also have some super slow and mellow songs (Especially on their album “Quiet is the New Loud”, like this one:

The contrast is crazy. That’s why I like them. Give them a shot and let me know what you think.

KEEP Listening!!
Chris Varela

Find the Kings of Convenience: